The objective that directs us is the improvement in plants production and distribution, that is why we do not stop innovating certain aspects of logistics, marketing or sales. A few years ago we received the quality certification PPQS, whose objective was achieved thanks to our development.
Quality and service, our team values
The PPQS system is a production protocol for good agricultural practices developed by FEPEX (Spanish Federation of Fruit, Vegetable, Flower and Live Plant Exporters) in collaboration with its integrated production associations, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Autonomous Communities. This system was born to respond to the concerns of consumers related to sustainability, environmental care, traceability, product quality and protection of health and safety at work.

In this sense, the PPQS certificate issued to Vivercid, at European level, certifies compliance with the requirements and recommendations applicable to the entire production process. In addition, it guarantees the transparency of the production chain, safety at work and respect for the environment.
Obtaining this certificate reflects our strong intention to continue growing in quality and service, not only at national level but also at European level.
Our mission is to offer the largest range of plants, with the highest quality and with the best distribution service in Spain and Europe. In order to satisfy the final consumer of our customer (such as gardening companies, garden centers, supermarkets, general chains and specialized chains and the gardening industry).